Category Archives: kitties

meow monday


Tiger the pick pocket – caught red-pawed!

meow monday  I  frozen pizza, again?


Tiger and Mal consoling each other after having to take a bath.

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Mal helped Russell kill the bad guy.

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Tiger’s favorite window seat. He likes to rest his head on the sill and watch the birdies (we have a feeder right outside the window).

meow monday  I  frozen pizza, again?




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tiger tuesday  I  frozen pizza, again? tiger tuesday  I frozen pizza, again? tiger3  I  frozen pizza, again?
Tiger Tuesday // Tiger Tuesday // Tiger Tuesday

a dance recital and a kitty


The last few weeks have been busy with my dance recital (the first in 10 years), a visit from family, my birthday, a funeral, and other church stuff. My absence from the blog was unplanned, and I’m glad to finally be back!

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Our dance was titled “Learning to Fly,” and our music was from the Broadway musical Peter Pan.

I’ve been wanting to share with y’all something exciting that has happened in our family, but the busyness of the last few weeks has prevented me from posting about it… Our little family grew! No, it’s not what you are thinking; we got a playmate for Tiger, a Bengal kitten that is 11 weeks old today! He is the same breed as our first cat, Leonidas.

If you have never heard of the Bengal cat, “[it] is a hybrid breed of domestic cat [that results] from crossing a domestic feline with an Asian Leopard Cat,” which is a small wild cat native to Southeast Asia.1 It was developed as a “breed of domestic cat with the loving nature of a favored fireside tabby and the striking look associated with Leopards, Ocelots and Jaguars.”2 Not all Bengals look the same – they can have rosettes, spots, or marbling; they can be brown, black, cream, gold, silver, and gray/blue – but they do all have one thing in common, an active and playful personality.

We have had our new kitty for about 3 weeks, and he and Tiger are starting to get along better. The first few days Tiger was very unhappy about this new kitty in his house and wouldn’t have anything to do with it. Eventually he got used to the little guy being here and started to play with him (well, the kitten would follow Tiger everywhere and chase him down to play). But several times he literally begged us to lock him in our bedroom so he could take a nap in peace. Now that the kitten has been here for a while, Tiger has realized he’s not going away and sometimes seems to actually enjoy having a playmate.


So, without further ado, I introduce to you our new kitten, Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Mal). *10 cool/nerd points to anyone who can tell me where the name comes from
*10 more to anyone who can tell me why we gave him this name

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See how tiny he is compared to the slippers! This picture was taken at 8 weeks old on the day we brought him home.
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Mal really likes to scamper. This is when he was feeling particularly “scampery.”
captain malcolm reynolds  I  frozen pizza, again?captain malcolm reynolds  I  frozen pizza, again?


We figured out pretty quickly that he likes to be the center of attention. The first couple of days after we brought him home he would often run up to one of us while we were sitting at our desks and try to climb our legs . When we would reach down to pick him up he’d scamper away. As soon as we turned back to our computers he would return, trying to get our attention again.
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Mal claimed the cat carrier as his own personal kitty fort. Tiger was very jealous.
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Meeting Tiger – 11 chunks vs. 2.3 lbs.
tiger & captain malcolm reynolds  I  frozen pizza, again?

1 Wikipedia
2 The International Cat Association (TICA)


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Tiger Tuesday // Tiger Tuesday // Tiger Tuesday

tiger tuesday


Tiger playing with a mouse on a string. (All 4 of his paws are off the floor.)
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If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.
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Tiger helped us fold the sheets. He did this by jumping off the bed into the middle of the sheet while we were holding it up between us. Thankfully we didn’t drop his chunkiness (he is ten whole chunks, ya know).
tiger tuesday  I  frozen pizza, again?




pita bread, part 2 / tiger tuesday


I tried to add this at the bottom of yesterday’s pita recipe, but it wouldn’t show up for some reason. Oh well, you can see it here on this post instead.

Russell actually helped me with my first (less successful) attempt at homemade pitas. I took pictures as evidence.

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I asked him to smile and this is what he gave me.
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The all-wheat pitas didn’t look too bad (not counting the very obvious dry edges), but they were dense and a bit dry. My jaw actually got tired after eating a couple.
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And now we switch from the ‘cute husband’ portion to the ‘cute kitty’ portion of the post. After I posted the pictures of Tiger and Buzz last week I found a few more that I forgot I had taken.

Tiger and Buzz played all morning and tired themselves out by the afternoon.
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Tiger doesn’t fit in the cube so well anymore.
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Watching the birdies together. (In this photo you can see how much bigger Tiger is than Buzz.)
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tiger tuesday


Today is a special edition of Tiger Tuesday! It contains a video and TWO cute kitties!

First up – Tiger made a new friend the other weekend when Russell and I kept a church member’s kitten while she was out of town. Meet Buzz, as in Lightyear.
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Russell and I coined the term “Buzzed” during his short stay with us. He liked to run by one of us, grab our leg with his paws, and then keep on going. Our response was “Woah! I’ve been Buzzed!”

Tiger wasn’t sure about a new kitty in his house.
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And he definitely wanted Buzz to know who was boss. (Don’t worry. Even though Buzz is half Tiger’s size, he held his own just fine the many times they wrestled.)
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Next up – Tiger the Bulldozer vs. the tissue box tower. Click here to see the video. (I apologize for the poor quality.)

At the end of the video I ask Tiger if he is proud of himself. The answer to that question is “Yes! Tiger LOVES to bulldoze!”




tiger tuesday


Tiger has discovered a new place to nest. He’d even take a nap here if I’d let him. He’s done this several mornings when I’m sitting at the computer in my robe and once when I was wearing a fleece jacket. Russell thinks Tiger likes it because it’s warm.

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This is one of his new napping spots. We built him a huge cat tree with a 2-story cat house yet he prefers a paper grocery bag.

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tiger tuesday


Tiger likes to sleep in unusual places, in positions that Russell and I believe can’t be comfortable, but the Tiger disagrees. Here are a couple odd places he chose to nap this week:

He kept jumping up on the table during dinner to sit on this blanket that my brother’s girlfriend gave me for Christmas.  Russell pulled a chair from the kitchen up next to the table and put the blanket on top.  Tiger happily sat down on it and promptly fell asleep.


Russell was trying to get some work done on the computer when Tiger decided to lay down across his arm.


Since he can never stay in one position too long (we are convinced he has ADD, maybe even ADHD) he then switched to this position.


tiger tuesday


One of my favorite blogs for recipe ideas is Plain Chicken. The author, Stephanie, also has a weekly feature called Meow Monday, where she shares pictures her three kitties. And that’s where I got the idea for the name of this post.


These pictures were actually taken late Sunday night, when Tiger was being particularly ridiculous. My friend Margaret and her sister Mary call this position “getting ready.” Their cat Oreo used to do this all the time.